Product Management Approach
Quick-impact project for your business with
Using product management approach we start a project with exploring an idea behind it, not technical requirments. Then together with the client we bring the idea to life along with finding the fastest and low-cost way of testing its efficiency, creating business plan, giving P&L statement and carrying out the project with an aim to make the client's business work.

Thus we provide high-level expertise as well as experience in app development and in product management which we have been gaining for over 10 years of work in eComm, FinTech, HealthTech, FoodTech, IoT, logistics and other spheres.
Sergei Soldatov
Director of Product Management in 65apps (ex. Alfa Bank, and other)
Product Management Approach is:
Diving into key metrics of client's business
Exploring users and their real needs
Creating the product vision and development strategy
Forming hypotheses and measuring their efficiency
Monitoring metrics and reaction to changes
Finding out principal aspects of business and their impact
Just 2-3 in 10 product hypotheses have positive impact on metrics
17% of companies close because of the difficulties in releasing their product
Project which cost is $1m have a 50% higher chance of failing than a project which costs $350k
3-4 hypotheses have no impact at all, 2-3 worsen metrics and 1 may prove profitable in the long run. We determine their effect at an early stage and reduce costs on inoperative hypotheses.
Big projects are packed with functions, as well as they have complicated architecture and many changing parts. That makes it almost impossible to develop them well from the start till release.
While developing complex and big products, their functionality is becoming so vast that you have to put all your effort into supporting a product instead of developing it.
Comparing traditional and product management approaches
Success criteria
Product management approach
Traditional outsource model
Improving business metrics
Time periods and scope of work
Flexibility and reaction to users feedback
Longterm planning and implementation
After each iteration
After the app is fully developed
All team members are fully immersed in the project and take part in the product development
Team members develop an app only according to the technical requirments
Return on investment
Effect from every app upgrade is easily detected showing its benefits
Nontransparent model of return on investment from every app upgrade
Work stages
Analyzing current metrics
Exploring users
Drawing up the product backlog and plan
Releasing the app versions 1, 2, 3, N ...
Evaluating business results
Improving strategy of the product development
Launching development process
Stop planning! It's time for fast innovations!